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1 simoom  Tue, Mar 25, 2014 5:05:00am

Good. Snowden, Greenwald and their hangers-on constantly use the section 215 collection program in a rhetorical tricks to claim the NSA is spying on all Americans, or use recent panel reports, which were strictly about this program, to make misleading statements about all NSA collection being worthless.

Considering the program was largely ineffective due to the fact it wasn’t getting phone call records from cell phones or many smaller providers (less than 20% of all call records were included) it just wasn’t worth the propaganda value it provided to the anarchists.

2 piratedan  Tue, Mar 25, 2014 7:01:25am

yeah, I’m sure that Snowwald will see this as vindication and it changes the fact that the government won’t keep this data, but private industry does, just like they always have and no one will give it a second thought.

The change is welcome, just won’t enjoy the mileage that certain elements will take from the proposed change and there’s absolutely zero guarantee that it will pass muster with the Teahadis, which will then be used as a club against the current administration again because that’s what the MSM does….

3 StephenMeansMe  Tue, Mar 25, 2014 11:32:19am

Fair enough, I suppose… though corporations are inherently less accountable than the government, and in practice way less secure it seems. It’s probably a wash in the end.

4 Charles Johnson  Tue, Mar 25, 2014 3:22:06pm

Right now it’s just a proposal - and it may never end up happening because one of the main issues with this data is being able to get at it quickly in case of an emergency or terror attack. There are some pretty big obstacles to doing this if the government doesn’t already have the data, and it seems to me the only way to really solve it would be for the NSA to have even MORE access to the telecom companies’ databases, not less.

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